In an announcement today, Microsoft says the latest investment brings the total tech aid it has given to Ukraine to $400 million. Since the invasion started in February, Microsoft has partnered with authorities in Ukraine on several issues. The company ceased all sales in the country and has blocked Russian news sources from Microsoft News. However, the Redmond-based giant is also focusing on helping Ukraine, such as with cybersecurity measures. Furthermore, Microsoft made Skype calls in the country (and to/from) free.

Ongoing Support

Microsoft’s fresh commitment was revealed by Microsoft Vice Chair and President Brad Smith: “The continued defense of Ukraine depends in part on a critical digital alliance of countries, companies and nonprofits. Since the war began in February, Microsoft and other tech companies have provided unprecedented technology assistance to the government and people of Ukraine,” says Smith. “By disbursing digital infrastructure into the public cloud, Microsoft and others have supported critical Ukrainian services through data centers across Europe.” Smith points out Microsoft’s support has been critical in Ukraine being able to maintain cybersecurity and keep digital services online. This is despite Russia continuing to bomb the country and engage in cyberwarfare. In the announcement, Smith also discussed the additional ways Microsoft supports the country:

“Support the country with critical cybersecurity protection  Support nonprofits and humanitarian organizations operating in Ukraine, Poland and elsewhere in the European Union  Provide data and support to international organizations aiding Ukraine and addressing war crimes against civilians 

Support and assist employees who are contributing to nonprofits engaged in humanitarian relief efforts” Tip of the day: Did you know that you can assign keyboard shortcuts for starting applications quickly in Windows 11 and Windows 10? This is a great way to have your most used programs always at your fingertips. In our tutorials we show you how to set those hotkeys for your favorite apps.

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