The new tools sit alongside other recent additions. LinkedIn has been boosting the usability and appeal of Pages and recently added features such as Employee Notifications, Kudos and Team Moments, and Community Hashtags. Those new features will make Pages a more powerful resource. The new additions are Invite to Follow, support for LinkedIn Live, and the ability to post as page or members. Starting with Invite to Follow, it is a tool that gives Pages users the ability to invite first-degree Profile connections. If you’re an individual on LinkedIn, you may be concerned this tool will allow companies to spam invite. However, there are some limitations in place. Namely, anyone can opt out of receiving an invites and organizations are limited to 50 invites per day. Next up is the ability to post as a page or a member. Basically, this means you can choose to post on a page as an individual or an organization. On the homepage share box there is a new toggle to activate posting from the same place.

LinkedIn Live Integration For LinkedIn Pages

Finally, the Microsoft-owned business network has integrated its LinkedIn Live feature with Pages. Essentially a video streaming tool, Pages users can now access Live to engage in two-way conversations via video. If you are a Pages user, you should see all the new features now.

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