This article was contributed by Cynthia Madison who works as an author at SmallBizClub. Most recently, the notion of prevention has been incorporated into the workplace, encouraging improvements in occupational safety and healthy by actively supporting awareness raising. Employee safety is of the essence, so tracking workplace injuries and illnesses is a critical activity. It’s primarily to the advantage of employees because there’s a record of what happened should they need to take time off or claim compensation later on. However, recording incidents helps you understand what’s going on and prevent similar occurrences in the future. If an accident occurs once, it will happen again unless the root cause is identified and addressed.  Injury and illness prevention comes before anything else, and so should the monitoring of such incidents to identify how and where risks arise and whether they need to be investigated. It matters in terms of incident prevention, insurance claims, risk management, and, last but not least, pattern tracking. Work-related injuries and illnesses are, regrettably, too common, and for those who are disabled through their work, not to mention their families, safety is vital. Manual accident tracking comes with its limitations in the sense that it can result in various inadequacies. If the paper record isn’t available, it’s necessary to make several attempts before a task is completed. 

Organizations that willfully or repeatedly violate health and safety regulations can expect fines or prison sentences, as they have a common law duty to ensure the working environment is safe for everyone. By not doing so, they face the consequences. Indirect costs can be attributed to accidents at work, such as broken equipment, lost time, and legal fees can have a substantial impact on business. Let’s not forget about the loss of reputation, which can have a negative effect on the bottom line. Lawsuits are on the rise, and recent cases in the UK have established precedents, so more of these types of lawsuits will be filed; whether frivolous or the lawsuit actually has merit, it must be defended.  Keeping an eye on hazards, near misses, and injuries is easier when you use Microsoft Dynamics 365, a comprehensive solution that can be used locally or in the cloud. An organization can document incidents and follow strict reporting requirements, avoiding hefty fines and penalties. Since all the data regarding an incident is available centrally, authorized individuals have seamless access, so they’re aware of outcomes that follow, like medical treatment or the specifics of the injury/illness. By default, cases have a status of Open, meaning that you can update the situation from the Case status menu.  As far as workplace injuries and illnesses are concerned, it’s crucial to have a complete record of all the data related to the incident to have evidence, improve the health and safety policy, and avoid legal disputes. Include as many details about the accident as possible so that the database is comprehensive. You should record the details of the work incident by describing the type of injury or illness, pointing out the date and time when it was reported (and the person who brought the case to your attention), and indicating the cause of the incident and what action needs to be taken. This list isn’t exhaustive by any means. 

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Offers A Chronological History of Events 

As incident management becomes more complex, so does the documentation process, which explains why an ever-increasing number of organizations are embracing incident timelines. Everyone in the team is on the same page during an accident at work and they can leverage post-incident information to determine root causes and enhance future outcomes. Chronological numbering functionality has been implemented in Microsoft Dynamics 365, so the records within the system follow the chronological history of events for audit purposes. Employees can get the information they need (on their own) via the use of self-service HR tools.  Regulations exist for a reason, namely to ensure safety in the workplace. While nobody wants things to go wrong, accidents happen, even if you take precautions. Safety audits and inspections decrease the likelihood of work-related incidents, as they reveal the immediate causes of problems; this is half the battle in eliminating them. All the necessary records are available in Dynamics 365, with recommendations for corrective action and training requirements. Owing to the comprehensive system security, only the right people have access to this sensitive information, which is helpful in fulfilling their management role and, above all, keeping people out of harm’s way.  There’s an opportunity to find out what went wrong, so organizations, particularly smaller businesses, ought to carry out health and safety investigations. All of the factors relating to an incident should be recorded in chronological order (if possible, of course). Uncertain situations can occur at any time and, in turn, lead to mishaps. To work out what happened, it’s crucial to speak to the injured person, eyewitnesses, line managers, and so on, being objective and avoiding assigning guilt. The work carried out just before the adverse event might shed some light on the circumstances, so it’s important to note all relevant details, like surroundings, the equipment used, the way the employee was behaving, etc. 

Don’t Transfer Data from the Injury and Illness Incident Report Manually 

Manual migration isn’t feasible for large amounts of data because it requires a significant amount of time, which translates into hours that will be diverted from other tasks. Rather than transferring injury and illness data manually into Microsoft Dynamics 365, you should better let artificial intelligence do it for you. You can eliminate tiresome data entry and increase accuracy so that the records can be used as a reliable source of information. If the process takes longer than you think it should ask for technical support to increase efficiency and meet deadlines.  To sum up, more and more corporate entities are taking advantage of Microsoft Dynamics 365 to better track workplace accidents, streamlining operations while saving time and money. Employee safety is the main goal, so you can use this app to make sure proper procedures are applied.

About the author

Cynthia Madison is an author at SmallBizClub with a solid technical, business, and financial foundation. She’s responsible for providing share-worthy articles that deliver value straight to the point. Cynthia enjoys watching thought-provoking TED talks on technology advancements in her spare time. She lives a “never stop learning” life.

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