Users who answer questions will be able to earn badges and gain points, moving their way up a leaderboard. Others can rate responses, flag incorrect answers, and cycle between answers if there are multiple high-ranking ones. It will also automatically filter out bad language and political angles. This will combine with human editors who will look to maintain quality, with Alexa less likely to use the answers of users who consistently submit bad information.

Human Volunteers

The question is whether positives outweigh the potential reliability issues. Aside from filling the gaps, this is likely to build a passionate community around Alexa that didn’t exist previously. Of course, Windows users will get direct access to these improvements, either via Alexa’s Windows 10 app or Cortana-Alexa integration.

Alexa Answers Goes Live  Letting Users Fill Gaps in the AI s Knowledge - 89Alexa Answers Goes Live  Letting Users Fill Gaps in the AI s Knowledge - 79Alexa Answers Goes Live  Letting Users Fill Gaps in the AI s Knowledge - 79Alexa Answers Goes Live  Letting Users Fill Gaps in the AI s Knowledge - 79Alexa Answers Goes Live  Letting Users Fill Gaps in the AI s Knowledge - 9